i was really bored every week as i go to the dentist to take care of mi 9. yup NINE cavities.
so i was sitting in the chair all drugged out and i started piecing together this analogy
to pass the time :]
we are like teeth.
all different shapes and sizes and created for different purposes.
first our teeth start sprouting out as babies, we're all uncaring and stuff
innocent and pure and clean.
as we mature, our teeth fall out and we get new ones, like when we're born again in Christ.
a second chance :] "the old has gone, and the new has come!"
but then, we start eating things that we don't need but what seems good
like candy and cake and icecream, and in our disobedience, we don't brush our teeth(repent).
everything seems peachy keen on the outside, everything seems perfectly fine
while our insides start rotting away. and even pain starts to throb.
Finally, we humble ourselves and go to the dentist.
he opens up the teeth and cleans it all up and fills it (like getting filled with the Holy Spirit)
and we're all good to go again :]
haha i don't know how braces, vaneers, wisdom teeth, retainers and the like would fit into this x]
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