Tuesday, December 14, 2010



I want it on DVD!

Dreams really do come true (:

So basically I went to Disneyland with Miss Horita and Christie on Sunday and we just decided to have a really chill day cause we weren't really feelin to much action on a school night :p So we went on Toy Story Mania, where I got an all time best score (: and then we went to pizza port where we had like a 2 hour deep talk. After that we went to Gibson Girl where we all got peppermint icecreams and we got a table there! one of my all time dreams and as we were eating and chatting, the fireworks started and everyone was crowded on Main Street so we couldn't see ANYTHING and I wasn't having it so I decided to walk through to see if I could either get a better spot or if we could find something else to do because we always go and it wouldn't really matter if we saw the fireworks or not. So I started walking and I guess they let you go around the crowd. So if the main crowd is watching the fireworks, they let you cut through it to get to other lands. So we went through the crowd and it was SUCH a nice view, and everyone was walking really slowly because they wanted to watch xD and as we went around the side, we travelled closer and closer to the castle and right at the finale we were standing right in front of the castle where I took this picture, AMAZING! and then we followed the flow of the crowd to Adventure Land, and right when we got there we heard that Fantasmic was showing, and I got to watch it for the first time, and we actually got a pretty close spot near the front on the left side near Haunted Mansion. It was SO COOL!! oh my gosh my favorite part was the Peter Pan fight and the princesses (:

I hope your having lots of fun in New York, sing Empire State of Mind for me while you're there! ahahha "in New Yooooorrkkkk concrete jungle make you feel brand new, these streets will inspire you"

I had this dream that you changed your major from math to Economy. It was really strange, and I don't recommend that you do xD haahaha.

This morning I woke up thinking "We need to kill the bees and the butterflies"
As in, I woke up and contemplated for a moment if I should go back to sleep or not
and I thought to myself, No, We need to kill the bees and the butterflies!
xD exciting right?

New Life and FCA are carolling this Saturday. I wish you could be there :[
We'll dedicate a song for you.